ATLANTA, Ga.- McDonald's mixes up their advertising strategy by using a commercial to promote a current Pro Bowl tie-in as well as promote their own social media.
In a recent article by Todd Wasserman it is announced that the latest ad campaign by the McDonald's food company includes hashtags encouraging people to join the conversation on Twitter. McDonald's is currently giving away tickets to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii by dropping one ticket a day into 20 piece boxes of McNuggets as well as one ticket on Twitter and random prizes for those tweeting with the hashtag #mcdprobowl.
After McDonald's last failed attempt at using Twitter, when promoting that people use hashtag #McDStories, I am glad to see Mickey D's getting back on the social media horse and trying again. Hopefully this attempt will be more successful as there is something in it for tweeters and it won't be another hashtag used to bash McDonald's or their bowl game.
I enjoyed all your Twitter-related posts, this included.